Osteo Master Class Workshops with Gez Lamb

About Gez Lamb DO
Gez has over 40 years experience as an osteopath and was tutored personally by Tom Dummer, the founder of Specific Adjustment Technique (SAT) which is a sublime blending of osteopathic manipulative principles specially suited to the correction of blocks to free mobility of spinal segments especially following trauma such as whiplash, falls and blows to the head.

Gez has tutored over 3 generations of osteopathic students in the refined art of resolution of neck trauma. He has witnessed many near ‘miraculous’ transformations from a life of pain to a life of freedom from pain by applying the principles of SAT.

He has taught SAT seminars for 38 years in seven European countries and in Canada. He is currently teaching the technique in Moscow. He is regarded as the leading SAT practitioner in Europe.

Gez still runs two very busy practices in London and has no plans to retire.

Levels & Fields Workshop for Osteopaths

Dates: 7 - 8 March 2024 (2 days)

What will I gain from the Fields and Levels course?

Every tissue of the body creates a field of awareness that is palpable and recognisable as the field to which that tissue belongs. So for instance every boney cell in the body ‘knows’ that it belongs to the boney field and in that belonging it behaves in harmony with every other boney cell wherever it may be found. Likewise for each morphologically distinct tissue type there is a field to which it belongs and in which it ‘lives and moves and has its being’.

This phenomenon can be used to make treatment more powerful by first engaging the tissue and field and then applying the technique.
There are seven distinct levels of function within the Primary Respiratory Mechanism and these levels may be identified in a very straightforward way according to their distinct quality. Once the practitioner has identified the level then the body is aware that the practitioner knows and treatment begins in an harmonious interplay between the deep intelligences of both practitioner and body. The resolutions and subsequent efficiency of function may be palpated from the body physical through to the innermost functioning of the patient’s being bringing about harmony of body, mind and spirit.

The endocrine centres also relate to the psychological and emotional life of the human being. These centres each have a specific function relating to the inner life. With this knowledge it is possible to locate where a person is processing a particular aspect of their life and with a little help from the practitioner’s knowing hands a better balance may be achieved. A few appropriate questions relating to the particular psychological function will then initiate a rebalancing and a release from an ingrained patterning

An essay on the subject by Gez Lamb can be found here.

Specific Adjusting Technique With Gez Lamb

Dates: 9 - 10 March 2024 (2 days)

Gez Lamb will also be giving an SAT master class in Solothurn in March 2024 

The course objectives will include 
• The history and place of SAT within osteopathic thinking.
• The application of Littlejohn Mechanics to SAT from the point of view of the relationship between pivots and curves of the spine.
• The concept of traumatically induced Positional Lesions in the neck.
• An in depth illustration of the various presentations of positional lesions, using X-Rays and MRIs.
• A consideration of the factors required to successfully resolve positional lesions.
• Personal tuition by Gez Lamb  with guidance for a  successful mobilisation of a positional lesion.
• The sacral toggle as taught by Tom Dummer to resolve pelvic positional presentations with practical one on one guidance.
• Treatment planning within an SAT approach.
• Refinement of mobilisations throughout the spine with an SAT intention
An essay on the subject by Gez Lamb can be found here

Registration: Fortbildung (at) osteopathie-imstaedtli.ch (please send a copy of your Osteopathy Degree certificate and state which course you would like to register for)

Cost: Each workshop costs CHF625 (50% deposit Confirms your place). Both Courses taken Together: CHF1000 

Venue: Osteopathie im Städtli KLG, Gurzelngasse 27, 4500 Solothurn, Switzerland.



Future workshops are planned with renowned Osteopaths Such as Robert Lever, Sue Turner, Hanneke Nusselien.... If you would like to be updated then please sign up below

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